Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I'm checking out this new customized TV web site called Current.TV. They have people that make TV casts and programs, yet they also allow viewers to submit their own content. They call their approach VC squared or Viewer Created Content. They have special pods or channels of which you can watch viewer created content, and they even have special channels you can watch on regular TV programming as well. I would use something like this more than Joost, Joost right now doesn't allow for viewer created content, they have to license content. Joost just got a deal with Viacom, where Viacom will provide them with content.

I don't really use much of Joost because I find that Joost is very memory and bandwidth hungry, and slows down the rest of my apps. And right now, I don't find any compelling content to watch. But I can see how Current.TV would be something that I would watch. There's this special video clip of Gates vs. Jobs which I found really really funny and nice, check it out!

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