The NSA (National Security Agency) in the US, does social network analysis on the call records of Americans, according to this article from USA Today. The database according to the NSA is used to identify terrorist attacks and networks from the call records. Of course, many people feel that this is a violation of people's rights and that in fact this is illegal for the government to tap into the calls of American citizens.
One has got to be careful about doing social network analysis and thinking that something useful will come out of it. If one doesn't analyze the content or the semantics behind the links, then one can blindly acknowledge that a person is related to Osama bin Laden and is therefore a terrorist which is explored by Jeff Jonas on his blog. Case in point, Google searches link George W. Bush with Osama bin Laden but we all know that Bush is not a terrorist.
It seems like social network analysis is being used for all sorts of things now.
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