Monday, May 08, 2006

Legitimate comments in blog but are actually spam

I keep on getting so many spam comments on the research blog. However, the spam comments are getting clever now, there was one that I read which seems legit. See below:

Name: alejandrina | E-mail: | URI: | IP:

Very nice website. I found all the info I needed. I 100% agree with the last post. Do you have a data feed I can tie into? Xml? That would be the icing on the cake

From reading the comment, it seems that it is a legitimate comment. However, when you read the URI, then you can find out that this is actually a spam comment. I'm glad that I moderate the IML research blog, so I can control the comments before publishing them. I have to also make sure that spam comments don't become part of the links when I do my link analysis of blogs to find communities. Imagine finding communities based on spam blogs!

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