The Origami website is just a promotion to introduce people to the Ultra-Mobile PC that will revolutionize the PC and make it more mobile and easier to use. Is the Ultra-Mobile PC really that revolutionary and hyped? To me, it just looks like a glorified PDA and laptop put together, it's just another form factor of PCs where Microsoft is trying to put Windows into any type of computer no matter what size imaginable.
As a matter of fact, it reminds me of the Archos video player
or the Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) in terms of form factor and look.
It looks like Microsoft is now encroaching on these competitors' turf. Computer devices are beginning to be blurred now. Soon, we'll have a PC that can do anything, wasn't there something like that with NEC that was like a 6-in-1 device that could change into a cell phone, camera, video player, etc.? I remember reading about it, but I can't find the exact name of that device, I thought that the name was also origami, because that implies changing into different forms, and it was a proof-of-concept or demo about maybe 2-3 years ago.
How many devices will we have to use, as if our lives aren't complicated already.
You have the SPOT watches that run Windows
the Tablet PC,
the Pocket PC,
the Auto PC,
the SmartPhone PC,
the desktop PC,
the laptop PC,
and now the Ultra-Mobile PC. Next thing, there will be RFID tags running Windows, which maybe there are already in development.
Anyways, there's lots of Origami talk on Microsoft's Robert Scoble's blog.
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