Thursday, May 19, 2005

PalmOne release LifeDrive Mobile Manager

Finally, Palm has a built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth handheld and can compete with Windows-powered handhelds like the HP iPAQ. It's called the LifeDrive Mobile Manager. It has a 4GB hard drive! And it costs $700 Canadian, wow that's actually not that bad considering it's a 4GB hard drive. Handhelds are now getting so powerful, they're almost equivalent to old PCs a couple of years ago. But the question is, do you really need 4GB of data stored on your handheld? Your handheld is meant to be an extension of the PC, not a replacement. I guess the 4GB is there if you want to play music and video, so you get an integrated device and don't need the Apple iPod. Personally, I am happy with my Zire 71 which I got almost 2 years ago, after I upgraded from my Palm IIIxe black and white handheld of about 4 years.

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