Thursday, July 28, 2011

Officially 3 years in Beijing and with Nokia Research Center

Well boy does time fly very fast! Can you believe it has been exactly 3 years since my wife and I stepped on a plane in Toronto and left Canada to embark on a new journey and new life together in Beijing, China. Not knowing what would happen and how Beijing would be (only by hearing from others and seeing news), I would never have thought I would be so blessed with such a good job and many opportunities professionally, personally and spiritually. It has been so far a great journey and I have met new friends and colleagues here in Beijing and you all will probably know that I'm having a good time here by my posts in Facebook and Twitter.

China is in a state of tremendous economic opportunity and growth which boggles the mind. Everywhere you go in China, you see this amazing economic development which I'm sure many of you who have gone to China will agree with me. I am enjoying the research at Nokia Research Center and enjoying the many opportunities that I have to present and conduct resea So will we return back to Canada and how long will we stay in China? The answer is we're not sure, but we are grateful and blessed to be here.
Besides the research opportunities, we are also embracing Chinese culture, for me since my Mandarin is not so good although it is much better than 3 years ago. I can now carry a meeting totally in Chinese now which was not possible a year ago, and mostly can carry normal conversations in Chinese. I'm also engaging more with Chinese researchers and academics so that is great.

So cheers to 3 years in Beijing and in China, and the start of the 4th year here. I do not blog here much often, so if you want to keep track of what I'm doing, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Sina Weibo. I'm also on Foursquare and Jiepang (gadgetman).

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