It's finally here, which everyone has heard about, the iPhone 3G which was announced by Steve Jobs at his keynote at the Apple Worldwide Developer's Conference. It will be rolled out in 22 countries on July 11 and finally, Canada will get one on the Rogers network. It has 3G, GPS, version 2.0 software with iPhone APIs for location-based services and for third party developer support, the apps will be downloadable over the air on App Store, and the really surprising part, the 8GB version is going for only $199! You can check out specifically the iPhone part of the keynote here:
If you see the keynote, the apps that some of the third party companies that demonstrated are just amazing. There are lots of games that make full use of the touch screen and the gyroscopes of the iPhone. This brings a new generation into mobile gaming and a new experience, just like the Nintendo Wii has done for console gaming.
Will I get an iPhone? Well, if it's only $199 I think I just might to finally replace my Palm Zire 71 that I've had for so long. I've also wanted GPS as well so I can find where I'm going. But wait there's also RIM's Blackberry Thunder which is also touch screen and is going to compete with the iPhone:
What about Nokia, the #1 cell phone vendor in the world? Well, don't count Nokia's socks off, they do have a touch screen concept phone called the Achieve:
Somehow, I don't like the Nokia Achieve, it seems really ugly compared to the beauty of the iPhone. So, hmm, which one to get? Well, in this tech world, you're never satisfied with what you get, since another one will come out the next second.
On Technorati: iPhone 3G, WWDC08
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