As everybody probably has known, Bill Gates' last full day at Microsoft was yesterday and there's been so much video, audio, posts, you name it, about Billy G leaving. Some of the CEOs and visionaries from other companies have made comments about Bill, his competitors and fiercest enemies. Gates gave his final speech to Microsoft employees.
Love him or late him, you must admire his drive, his passion, his motivation in forming Microsoft as the underdog and how he has been able to fight so many challenges by many companies like Netscape, WordPerfect, Lotus, IBM, Apple, Borland, Palm, Sun Microsystems, and Yahoo just to name a few. Translating this same drive over to the Gates foundation will certainly make him probably one of the greatest philanthropic leaders of all time. It's good to see that he will be using his wealth and money for finding cures for diseases and for making the world a better place.
I've never met Bill Gates in person but I have heard his keynotes before at computer conferences (specifically Comdex in Toronto). I've read his books like Business@The Speed of Thought and many other books about Microsoft like Hard Drive, All I Really Need to Learn in Business I Learned at Microsoft, and The Microsoft Way.
Bill is an inspiring individual, he was definitely one of my role models and made me first get into the computer industry. Gates is now wanting to spend more time with his 3 daughters.
Best wishes for you Bill and for the Gates foundation.
On Technorati: Microsoft, Bill Gates