Monday, October 16, 2006

Eudora to be set free

Remember, Eudora? What, the e-mail client? I used to use that eons of years ago, my evolution of e-mail clients has gone from Eudora, Netscape Mail, Pine, Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, web mail (Yahoo and Hotmail), Mozilla Thunderbird, Microsoft Outlook, and Gmail. Anyways, it looks like Qualcomm which bought the Eudora mail client (which doesn't really fit in much with their wireless CDMA/1X/Brew cellular business) is open sourcing it and basing it on the Mozilla Thunderbird code-base. That sounds great!

Personally, I have sticked with either Pine or Gmail because they're fast and I like Gmail for its folders and threaded messages. I used to be a folderer (well actually I still am somewhat), but in Gmail, I love the tagging feature, it's so easy, and it makes sense. It also makes it so much easier to search, than placing it in folders. I find out if I leave things in folders, when I'm searching, it's difficult to find where it is. With Gmail, I can search a particular word, and boom, there pops up the list of e-mail messages that correspond to what I'm looking for. I'd say about 80% of the time, it works really well, much better than browsing. Although, there is the occasional 20% that I do browse, because the search doesn't return the e-mail that I'm looking for. But that's because the search is fuzzy, I'm not sure what the exact term is, but I know the topic of the e-mail.

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