Monday, February 27, 2006

At the Web-Based Communities conference

I arrived in San Sebastian, Spain on Saturday, February 25 at night. The conference started yesterday, there were some interesting presentations and speakers. There was a speaker called Cliff Figgalo from SociAlchemy who worked with Howard Rheingold and Stuart Brandt and were the incarnators of the WELL, a BBS type of electronic system that was considered the first electronic virtual community. I recorded some of the presentations, and took down notes. It will take me some time to process them on this blog here, but I will definitely put them up!

Today, I'm giving my presentation on "Finding Evidence of Community Through Blogging Co-citations: A Social Network Analytic Approach". I'm going to podcast it and then put it online here, so others can have a listen as to what my research is about.

Meanwhile, here are some photos of the conference and the city of San Sebastian for your enjoyment!


Anonymous said...

How did the presentation go?

The pictures look great. Are you having fun??

Unknown said...

Oh yes, it´s great, it´s kind of chilly though, but the food was good though. You´ll see the pictures that I´ll post when I have the time to put them up. Then you´ll see how much fun I had :)

Nancy White said...

Hey, by any chance did you post your presentation on the web someplace?

Unknown said...

Yes, the presentation is available from here.